Erika D. Eggers, PhD

Professor, Physiology
Associate Department Head Research - Physiology
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Professor Physiological Sciences - GIDP
Professor Neuroscience - GIDP
Professor BIO5 Institute
Research Interests

The broad goal of research in our laboratory is to understand how synaptic inputs influence neuronal signaling and sensory signal processing in the healthy and diabetic retina. Currently we focus on how increased ambient light, dopamine and neuronal calcium handling modulate signaling in the retina and how this modulation changes in early diabetes. We use a combination of single cell and whole retinal electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry to identify targets for modulation that could lead to early treatments of diabetic eye disease.


  • 1997 BA Physics with minors in Biology and Music - Washington University
  • 2003 PhD Physiology and Biophysics - University of Washington
  • 2009 Post-doctoral Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences - Washington University
Publication Highlights

Flood MD, Wellington AJ, and Eggers ED. Impaired light adaptation of ON-sustained ganglion cells inearly diabetes is attributable to diminished dopamine D4 receptor sensitivity. InvestigativeOphthalmology and Visual Science, (2022) 63(33).

Moore-Dotson, JM and Eggers ED. Reductions in calcium signaling limit inhibition to diabetic retinal rodbipolar cells. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, (2019) 60(12): 4063-4073.

Mazade RE, Flood MD and Eggers ED. Dopamine D1 receptor activation reduces local inner retinalinhibition to light-adapted levels. Journal of Neurophysiology, (2019) 121(4): 1232-1243.