Department of Physiology Business Office
Welcome to the Department of Physiology Business Office webpage
The Business Office supports the financial and HR needs of all faculty, students, and staff in the Department of Physiology. We will review and secure college-level approval for all transactions, along with ensuring that all documents are in compliance with established University policies and procedures. Our goal is to provide timely and reliable fiscal management, HR services, and grant support (pre and post-award) for the Department. Please select a topic of interest below for additional information. A Business Office directory can be found here:
Business Office Directory:
Business Office Staff
Research Program Administrator Officer II
Phone: 520.626.6511
Office: MRB, Cubicle 0400A
Grant/Contract Administrator III
Phone: 520.626.1785
Office: MRB, 0400C6
Valentina Guzman
Student Employee/Office Assistant
Phone: 520.626.7642
Office: MRB, 0400C3