The Department of Physiology offers a rich training environment for postdoctoral researchers interested in cellular, molecular and systems physiology, with many research programs spanning multiple areas. The department has wide expertise and is noted for training in Neurophysiology, Cardiovascular & Respiratory Physiology, Renal & Transport Physiology, Endocrine Physiology, Sensory Systems Physiology and applications of advanced “omics” techniques to disease.
Postdoctoral Researchers have access to many updated core facilities sponsored by the University of Arizona to enhance research productivity. Departmental Researchers also participate in grant review of postdoctoral grants with the goal of postdocs attaining independent funding and making significant career progress. The University of Arizona Office of Postdoctoral Affairs also provides professional development, funding resources and information on living and working in Tucson. https://postdoc.arizona.edu/
We welcome applications from interested postdoctoral researchers and look forward to helping you achieve your goals.