Meet Rocco

Rocco Conti

Physiology and Medical Sciences - Student Ambassador


Phoenix, AZ

My Journey with the Physiology and Medical Sciences Program

What makes me enjoy being a Physiology and Medical Sciences student here at the University of Arizona is not just the compassionate professors that teach the classes, but my peers that encourage me to do my absolute best. Having peers that share similar interests as me makes it easy to want to work hard in not just my physiology classes but my other classes as well because I know I am not alone, and we're all in it together. The community that resides in the physiology program is such a supportive and dynamic group, that it makes learning about the human body even more fun!

Academic & Career Goals

Apply to the University of Arizona's medical school and one day become a Trauma Surgeon.

On- and Off-Campus Involvement

Undergraduate Research Assistant - Vice Dean of Research

Emergency Medical Technician - AZ Department of Corrections

Mental Health & Wellness Team - AZ Department of Corrections

Ask Me About

Getting involved in research on campus and what the process and experiences I've had in becoming an Emergency Medical Technician!