The UA Department of Physiology Welcomes Two New Faculty Members

Paulo W. Pires, PhD, has joined the Department of Physiology as assistant professor. He received his PhD from Michigan State University and comes to the UA from the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Nevada School of Medicine in Reno.
Dr. Pires’ research lab focuses on understanding the regulation of blood flow to the brain under normal and disease states. A particular interest is in the communication between neurons, astrocytes (a type of glial cell) and endothelial cells that control blood flow to discrete regions of the cerebral cortex, a process called neurovascular coupling. Disease states, such as Alzheimer’s disease and hypertension, are known to alter neurovascular coupling in the brain, leading to improper blood flow delivery to neurons and, consequently, loss of brain cells and cognitive decline. His lab studies particular receptors in endothelial cells that have their function diminished by Alzheimer’s disease and hypertension, and possible therapies that can improve their function.
Juliana Lessa Sacoman, PhD, Department of Physiology senior lecturer, received her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from Michigan State University. She previously served as lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Dr. Sacoman currently teaches PSIO 411 (Scientific Methods and Professional Ethics) and will be teaching PSIO 427 (Metabolism and Disease) and PSIO 101 (Introduction to Physiology) this fall. Her previous research experience includes the study of how different dietary carbohydrates affect the bioenergetics and the glycobiology of human cells in the context of metabolic diseases.