Erik J. Henriksen, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Physiology

Research Interests
My primary areas of research interest during my academic career included 1) regulation of insulin signaling and the glucose transport system in normal and insulin-resistant mammalian skeletal muscle by hormonal factors, exercise, aging and development, and pharmaceutical intervention; and 2) adaptive responses of carbohydrate and protein metabolism in skeletal and cardiac muscle to acute and chronic alterations in muscle contractile activity, including exercise training, weightlessness, and denervation.
- 1983 BS Biochemistry - Eastern Michigan University
- 1983 BA German - Eastern Michigan University
- 1987 PhD Biochemistry - University of Arizona
- 1990, Post-doctoral, Muscle Metabolism - Washington University School of Medicine
Publication Highlights
Marchionne, E. M., M. K. Diamond-Stanic, M. Prasannarong, and E. J. Henriksen. Chronic renininhibition using aliskiren improves glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and skeletal muscle glucosetransport activity in obese Zucker rats. Am. J. Physiol. Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 302: R137-R142, 2012.
Henriksen, E. J., M. K. Diamond-Stanic, and E. M. Marchionne. Oxidative stress and the etiology ofinsulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Free Radic. Biol Med. 51: 993-999, 2011.
Henriksen, E. J. Invited Review: Effects of acute exercise and exercise training on insulin resistance.J. Appl. Physiol.93: 788-796, 2002.