Lila Buls Wollman, PhD

Assistant Research Professor, Physiology
Research Interests

My broad research interest is to study how plasticity of the central nervous system occurs during development, disease, and aging. I have specifically focused on studying motor control using translational models of disease and understanding the mechanisms behind plasticity in the neuro-respiratory system. My current research project studies the influence of nicotine exposure and acute withdrawal on the neural structures involved in the ventilatory response to hypoxia.


  • 2007 BS Clinical Science/Physical Therapy - Ithaca College
  • 2008 MS Physical Therapy - Ithaca College
  • 2017 PhD Physiological Sciences GIDP - University of Arizona
  • 2019 Post-Doctoral Physical Therapy - University of Florida
  • 2022 Post-Doctoral Physiology - University of Arizona
Publication Highlights
Wollman LB, Flanigan EG, Fregosi RF (2022) Chronic, episodic nicotine exposure alters GABAergic synaptictransmission to hypoglossal motor neurons and alters genioglossus function at a critical developmental age. JNeurophys
Wollman LB, Fregosi RF (2021) Chronic intermittent nicotine exposure alters hypoglossal motor neuron function ata critical developmental time point in neonatal rats. eNeuro
Wollman LB, Streeter KA, Fusco AF, Gonzalez-Rothi E, Sandhu MS, Greer JJ, Fuller DD (2020) Ampakines stimulatephrenic motor output after cervical spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology