Dr. Zoe Cohen Appointed Director of COM-T Baccalaureate Programs, APME, and HEAP.

Zoe Cohen, PhD, has been appointed director of College of Medicine -Tucson (COM-T) Baccalaureate Programs, APME, and HEAP.
As Director of the COM-T Baccalaureate Programs, Dr. Cohen will establish and maintain an accessible avenue for communication and collaboration between the MD program and the Bachelor’s Degree programs that reside in the College. She will also serve as the COM-T representative on CAAC (College Academic Administrators Council) in order to facilitate communication between the UArizona main campus and COM-T administrators and faculty on matters of curricular policy and support.
The Accelerated Pathway to Medical Education (APME) is a seven-year program aimed at high school seniors anticipating a career in medicine or medical science. The APME program fosters flexibility and creativity in undergraduate education while reducing the pressures related to gaining acceptance to medical school. Dr. Cohen will direct this program working closely with the UArizona Office of Admissions and the COM-T Admissions office to review applications, interview applicants and prepare recommendations for acceptance of students.
In the role of Director, Honors College Early Assurance Program (HEAP), Dr. Cohen reports to the COM-T Assistant Dean for Admissions. Dr. Cohen will be in charge of reviewing applications, interviewing applicants and preparing recommendations for acceptance of an annual cohort of 10 students in addition to working in close collaboration with the Honors College and COM-T faculty to design and implement a comprehensive summer experience that includes a seminar series, research activities and a student research forum.
Dr. Cohen is an Associate Professor in the COM-T Department of Physiology. She earned her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Exercise Physiology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a Ph.D. in Physiological Sciences from the University of Arizona. She has been active on both the undergraduate and medical campuses, currently serving as chair of the admissions committee and the Tucson Curricular Management Subcommittee. She is the former chair of the Tucson Education Policy Committee and serves on an Ad Hoc Faculty Senate Committee on faculty assignments.
Dr. Cohen teaches large courses for the Department of Physiology, including Cardiovascular Physiology and Physiology of the Immune System. She also teaches in the Foundations and Cardio, Pulmonary & Renal Systems Blocks in the pre-clerkship medical education curriculum. She won teaching awards on both the undergraduate and medical campuses, including the 5-Star Award and the AMES Excellence in Teaching Award.