Pengyuan Liu, PhD
Research Professor, Physiology

Research Interests
Dr. Pengyuan Liu's research interests are in bioinformatics and genomics of complex diseases. His goals are to utilize multi-omics approaches to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of complex diseases as well as to develop statistical and computational methods for discovery using biomedical big data.
- 1996 BS - Zhejiang University
- 2002 - Zhejiang University
- 2004 Post-Doctral Statistical Genetics - Washington University
- 2006 Post-Doctoral Statistical Genetics - Wahington University
Publication Highlights
Liu P, Wang Y, Vikis H, Maciag A, Wang D, Lu Y, Liu Y, You M*. Candidate lung tumor susceptibility genesidentified through whole-genome association analyses in inbred mice. Nat Genet. 2006; 38: 888-95.PMID: 16862160
Hua X, Xu H, Yang Y, Zhu J, Liu P*, Lu Y*. DrGaP: A powerful tool for identifying driver genes andpathways in cancer sequencing studies. Am J Hum Genet. 2013; 93: 439-51. PMCID: PMC3769934
Han Y#, Yang J#, Qian X, Cheng WC, Liu SH, Hua X, Zhou L, Yang Y, Wu Q, Liu P*, Lu Y*. DriverML: amachine learning algorithm for identifying driver genes in cancer sequencing studies. Nucleic Acids Res.2019; 47(8):e45. PMCID: PMC6486576