Ronald M. Lynch, PhD

Professor, Physiology
Associate Professor Pharmacology
Professor BIO5 Institute
Director Aribi Institute
Professor Biomedical Engineering
Professor Physiological Sciences - GIDP
Associate Director Shared Resources, University of Arizona Cancer Center
Research Interests

β-cells of the pancreas secrete insulin to maintain blood glucose within a narrow range. In type 1 Diabetes these cells are lost causing blood glucose to widely fluctuate. Our work focuses on approaches to diagnose β-cell density and drug treatments to protect them. We also develop technologies that provide insulin to patients using biological surrogates within devices that can be inserted into patients.

-cells of the pancreas secrete insulin to maintain blood glucose within a narrow range. In type 1 Diabetes these cells are lost causing blood glucose to widely fluctuate. Our work focuses on approaches
to diagnose β-cell density and drug treatments to protect them. We also develop technologies that provide insulin to patients using biological surrogates within devices that can be inserted into patients. 


  • 1978 BS Chemistry and Biology - University of Miami
  • 1984 PhD Physiology and Biophysics - University of Cincinnati
  • 1984 Post-Doctoral - Laboratory of Kidney and Electrolyte Metabolism
Publication Highlights
Hart NJ, Weber C, Price N, Banuelos A, Schultz M, Huey B, Harnois E, Gibson C, Steyn LV, Papas KK, Lynch RM. Insulinoma-derived pseudo-islets for diabetes research. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2021 Aug 1;321(2):C247-C256. PMCID: PMC8424674.
Lynch, R.M, L.S. Tompkins, H.L. Brooks, A.A. Dunn-Meynell and B.E. Levin (2000) Localization ofglucokinase gene expression in the rat brain. Diabetes 49 (5): 693-700.
Carrington, W.A., R.M. Lynch, E.D.W. Moore, K.E. Fogarty and F.S. Fay (1995) Super-resolution 3-dimensional images of fluorescence in cells with minimal light exposure. SCIENCE 268: 1483-1487.