Explore Our Physiology Course Offerings
Welcome to our comprehensive collection of Physiology courses designed to unravel the mysteries of the human body and its intricate functions. Whether you're a budding healthcare professional, a biology enthusiast, or simply curious about the inner workings of life, our diverse range of courses has something for everyone
PSIO 101
Tackling Physiological Topics in Today's Society
3 Units
Physiology is the study of how the body works. By focusing on current public issues of physiology in health, medicine and society, students will explore the essential concepts of physiology, up-to-date research and resources needed to address these topics, as they learn to 'think like a physiologist'. Starting with an overview of basic anatomy and physiology key to each issue, students will begin to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills founded in techniques and approaches common to professionals in the field. Students will also gain an appreciation for the diversity of disciplines and careers that are supported by a foundation in physiology.
PSIO 201
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
4 units
Study of structure and function of the human body. Topics include basic anatomical and directional terminology; fundamental concepts and principles of cell physiology; histology; the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems; special senses, primarily for majors in physiology, biology, and health professions.
Introduction to Honors in Physiology
2 units
This colloquium is designed for Physiology students who are considering graduation with Honors. Content and experiences will provide exposure to the research process in general, specific research in Physiology being done across campus, potential options available for undertaking an honor thesis, and maximizing the educational experience within the Physiology major.
PSIO 303
Integrative Cellular Physiology
3 units
Integrative Cellular Physiology will introduce the student to several fundamental concepts in physiology, including signaling transduction processes, regulation of membrane transport, and the regulation of cell-cell and cell-tissue communication. The course will integrate these fundamental physiological concepts across cell, organ, and systems levels within the context of the three selected systems and will empower the student to be able to critically evaluate the pathophysiological basis of various disease states in the context of cellular and molecular defects in these fundamental processes.
PSIO 305
Integrative Systems Physiology
3 units
This course is designed to provide students with a systems-focused approach to fundamental physiological processes faced by humans including homeostasis, growth and development, adaptation and response to trauma. Utilizing a case study context, the integrated actions by multiple systems to accomplish these fundamental processes will be explored.
PSIO Elective Courses
We offer a wide range of courses that focus on different systems within the human body and specific topics within Physiology, which you can choose according to your interests and goals. Please consult the course catalog for a complete list of courses and pre-requisites, and connect with your Academic Advisor for more guidance on the most appropriate options for you!
PSIO 101 - Tackling Physiological Topics in Today's Society
PSIO 295H - Introduction to Honors in Physiology
PSIO 404 - Advanced Topics in Cellular Physiology
PSIO 411 - Scientific Methods and Professional Ethics
PSIO 420 - Exercise and Environmental Physiology
PSIO 425 - Measurement and Evaluation of Physiological Function
PSIO 431 - Physiology of the Immune System
PSIO 441 - Musculoskeletal Kinesiology
PSIO 442 - Biomechanics of Human Movement
PSIO 452 - Digestive Physiology
PSIO 469 - Human Reproductive Physiology
PSIO 485 - Cardiovascular Physiology
PSIO 487 - Physiology of Aging
PSIO 495H - Senior Honors Thesis Preparation
PSIO 495M - Musculoskeletal Physiology Colloquium
PSIO 496R - Current Research in Physiological and Biomedical Sciences